Here are some changes that I have noticed this month. It was the most changes I've seen yet!!
1. Reilly smiles!! A beautiful, bright, contagious, bashful, dimpley smile. YES she has a dimple! A perfect little dimple on her right cheek. Look at this face...
2. She is a little chunky monk! All my breastmilk is chunking her up, and I love it. Her cheeks are so kissable, and her thighs are rolly polly and delicious.
3. She talks! Well, babbles. She will lay in her crib in the morning and make happy squeely noises until we come in. Then she smiles and squirms around all excited to see us.
5. She kicks up storm! Which is not new. But it never ceases to amaze me how much she kicks. She has been a crazyyyy kicker since the womb. She would kick me in the middle of the night, all day long, starting at 5 am as soon as she heard Brett's alarm. The doctor would ask if I was counting her kicks, and I laughed. I would literally be counting all day. And she's still a little kicky girl! Her legs are blurry in most pictures of her. It's so funny.
8. She loves reading! She will sit in my lap as I read to her. I just keep reading until she get squirmy, and she sits for like 4 books!
9. Finally...drum roll ...SHE SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! She has slept from 9 pm till 6 am!! Several nights now. It's glorious. I love sleep. And the morning. And my sleepy wonderful babygirl. It's certainly not every night, but now she is capable!! She can do it. When she wakes up, I praise her for about 20 minutes telling her what a good girl she is and proud I am of her, hoping the positive reinforcement works. I wish I could reward her with ice cream or something.
I fall more in love with her every day. And that is probably an understatement for her Daddy. She is so much fun, and just this happy little peanut that comes with us everywhere we go. I am convinced she could make anyone smile. I can't wait to see what next month brings!
Love & Growing Babygirl,
DR Mama
Isn't their first real laugh amazing! I literally cried w/ joy the first time Jake really laughed. It was the best and still is the best sound there is! Every mile stone is such a blessing and so much fun to watch!