We went to see some of Rei Rei's great grandparents for breakfast the other day. They love her. They love her lots.

Reilly is Grandma Ella's 13th great-grandchild! And she was born on the 13th of May. I think that means they will be BFFL.

I like this picture because Gram Ella and Rei were watching their respective grandson, and Daddy. It makes me wonder what it's like to hold the baby of your baby's baby.

I imagine it's a pretty insane feeling.

Reilly and Grandma Ella watching the trees change color out the window.

Reilly and Great-Grandpa!

This one makes me melt.

It was such a beautiful autumn day! And a beautiful day for a breakfast feast a la Grandma Ella.

Allow me to elaborate - this is what we had for breakfast:
Scrambled eggs, homemade breakfast potatoes with onions, bacon, toast, tomatoes, cinnamon buns. And then I eat. And eat. And then I get called a bird until I take thirds. It's a beautiful cycle of eating amazing breakfast.
Reilly is excited for her future of great-grandma Ella breakfasts. As well she should be.
Love & Breakfasts,
Dirt Road Mama
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