Here is the Christmas update! It is late because we got snowed in during our Christmas travels, and then Mama got a 24 hour stomach virus on the way home. Not very fun. Thank God I was able to sleep most of the drive, but then was pretty much couch-ridden the rest of the day. But now I am feeling better, unpacking toys, and re-hydrating.
A family pic...

And this is what the boys did when we said, "Silly Picture!"

The hosts of our Christmas Eve since we were teeny babies!

Love this family. We watched videos of us singing Happy Birthday Jesus when we were all so little. Hard to believe we'll be doing it all so soon for our kiddies.

Mama and her brother, Uncle Brad.

Ladies in red!

Reilly and her Mima & Poppy.

Our Family! First Christmas together!

Uncle Matt and his Rei-B.

My girl. My heart.

Daddy and his Buddy.

And she ended the night falling into a peaceful sleep on her Mama. And we all ended the night with a group hug, cousins and Aunties and Uncles all together. I loved sharing our Christmas Eve tradition with our little Angel.
Love & Sugar Plum Dreams,
Dirt Road Mama
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