"I don't need to jet off to no vacation for a week,
I'd be happy to have a happy hour,
When I'm tired and I'm fried it gets me right back on my feet,
Any kind of red or white, a little sister time
It's every smart girls secret,
A good friend and a glass of wine."
I didn't write that, Leann did. But she was very right. This past weekend, my girlfriends from high school came to visit me. They got together with one another a few weeks back, and sent me an email saying, "We want to come visit you, which of these 2 weekends works for you?" It was one of the best emails I ever got. I missed these girls so much, and anyone with little ones knows what a relief it is to have someone just make the plans, and say, "We're coming!", rather than having to pack up and go somewhere. I was so excited, so thankful that they made the effort to come all the way to our house. It meant so much to me. And I love hostessing. And that was before I even knew the fun that was in store for us.

Our weekend was the epitome of good girlfriends reconnecting, relaxing, and vowing to never let so much time pass again. It wonderful to hear the stories of your friends, in the time that has passed, and having so much pride for what they have accomplished and how far we have all come since high school. But more than how far we have come, is how much has stayed the same. We clicked and connected the same way, my girls were just as sweet and real and silly and smart and hilarious. I loved how the same we were, together.

[NBD is a catchphrase meaning No Big Deal that we're making catch on in natural conversation.]
Anyway, she really did start talking on Saturday. Suddenly, it was like ALL of these sounds started coming out of her mouth! She can imitate almost anything. For example: She said "Poppy" (Pop-pa) and "Buddy"!! That's what Hubby calls her. She is amazing.

I was super sad to see them go. And they were sad to leave the little munchkin.
(Sidenote - Hubby was here this weekend, too. He watched baby while we were silly, washed dishes while we slept in, and laughed and rolled his eyes at everything we said. I love you, Hubby.)
Love & SkinnyGirls,
DR Mama
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