Reilly's birthday party was tons and tons of fun. We planned for months for our beautiful Fairy Woodland Party in the sunshine, and then of course God had his own plans for us all to have an indoor Fairy Princess party. But we had just as much fun! Rain did not get in the way of our day!
And luckily, our boys set up a tarp/overhang contraption that Poppy and Uncle E picked up that morning, for some of our guests to be outside even when it was drizzling.
But this little Fairy Princess did not get her pretty little tutu wet at all!

Here are the highlights of her day:
There were 3 outfit changes. Two were planned, one was a lucky coincidence tutu pajama set that we just HAD to try on for our guests. :)

Yes, we had wings. And that little Elmo doll (also known as "Eh-oh") is getting a post of his own. Reilly grew a third, red, furry hand since her birthday party. And we're heading to Target to buy 5 more.

I made a versatile Reilly bunting, that can easily be changed for every birthday!

Our menu was simple, summery, and Reilly-themed:
Mozza-Reilly Salad
Emerald Baby Spinach Salad

Rei-gatoni Pasta Salad
Our Little Chickie Cutlets [not pictured]
Sausage and Reilly Belle Peppers [not pictured]

Mai Tai Rei Punch
Rei-sling Sangria

Pink decorations were abundant!

Signs making sure nobody lost their way!

The outfit Reilly wore home from the hospital was on display. Complete with hospital snap-shirt. I could cry. Okay, I did cry.

Reilly woke up from her nap just in time! Uncle Matt showed her around her "Princess Fairy Angel Room" (his quote, not mine - precious).

Rei and Adeena dressed as fairies!!

Families surrounding our cutie girl!

This is in her Tinkerbelle costume, right before she ate her cupcake! As you can tell by her face, exhaustion of the day began to set in.

Happy Baby.

Look at her shining eyes.

Make a wish!

Our dessert menu! (Hi
Tara! Thank you for sharing these fruit kabobs and giving me a great idea!)

I took my time and made and froze the cupcakes ahead, then iced them the night before. I actually had SO much fun making them! Pound cake, with marshmallow cream frosting.

Fit for a fairy princess. :)

Oh! I found one!

Not quite sure what to think of her first taste of cake!

I couldn't help myself.

She liked the icing best. That's my girl!

Despite having so many people in our house, and being so out of her normal, our girl was a little angel all day! She had a great day, and was smiling the whole time.

It was a perfect day, celebrating our girl. Even with the rain. Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us, and brought their love and good wishes into our home. Thank you God for you abundant blessings, always.
Love & Angel Face,
hahaa... Hi Kate! Clearly I've had some catching up to do. Reilly's party looks like it was a blast! I love how the menu was completely inspired by her name.