We have big things going on over here!
Okay, well two big things.
A big sister, and a big belly. Getting big, anyway. :)
We have a second angel pie from heaven growing in my belly, making his/her appearance in March. We are SO excited. Reilly has no idea how excited she will be when this little bundle arrives. I'm not even nervous about how she will react, because I am so sure she will be obsessed with her sibling, and such a perfect big sister. She was made to be a big sister. I can literally tell it is in her. I mean look at this face.

No, we are not finding out the sex of our baby. We are choosing again to be surprised, and no, it's not that hard. You just can't buy clothes before the baby is born, which really just saves money. Of course we wonder and wonder and wonder...but that's what makes it so wonderful. Due to how quickly Reilly came out (one push, and she there she was), the doctor wasn't even in the room, and Hubby actually got to tell me that it was a girl. Most amazing moment. I'm excited to have that again, or whatever amazing story this baby brings.
Blogging has been low on the priority list lately, because the daily priority list has been this:
1. Reilly
2. Eating
3. Being nauseous on the couch
More on the sickness later - just pray that it stops soon please, all prayers are greatly appreciated! It seems to be tapering off, but one can only hope. Just trying to put on some weight for this little one. Nausea = high hormone levels = healthy baby. This is my mantra.
I am 10 weeks pregnant with our little babyface - I can't wait to wear glorious autumn maternity clothes and feel little kicks and movements, and watch our little family grow! Thank you God for this blessing.
I have no idea when your baby is due in March, but since Reilly was born on my mom's birthday, I'm guessing the next baby will be born March 12 (my bday). ;)
christie grande