Monday, January 16, 2012


It's cold.  Winter just descended upon us this weekend (THANK GOD it has been freakishly warm until now!).  Reilly's face in this picture perfectly expresses my feelings toward the cold.  We're just not fans over here.  But, like I said, even though it is bitterly cold, I feel like Spring is so close!  Is that weird?  I prefer optimism.

On another front, I am due with baby in 10 weeks!  AHH I am so excited!  And the "Holy Moly we are 30 weeks pregnant already" feeling has taken over the home.  Or maybe it's taken over me, and therefore I have blanketed the home with that feeling.  I am an organization freakazoid.  Nothing could ever be organized enough for me.  I have organized things like the baking cabinet and my manuals for all my kitchen appliances.  Why would my newborn care about these things being organized?  Well I'll tell you - it won't.  But nonetheless, there is this overwhelming feeling inside me that it needs to be done.  Right now.

Also, I woke up the other morning to see the corner of Reilly's crib on the ground.  As in, BROKEN.  The metal bracket (yes, I said metal) completely snapped.  And this was no cheap crib, I tell you.  It is supposed to turn into a toddler bed, a twin bed, and a day bed!  I am just thanking God that Reilly was not hurt, and that our newborn was not in the crib at the time - because a little baby would definitely have been injured.  However, I spoke with customer service at the company this morning, and they were extremely kind and helpful.  I had the best customer service experience that I've EVER had on the phone!  I didn't even wait on hold, at all.  And I only had to explain my problem ONE time!  For anyone who has ever spoken to Dell, you know this is a big deal.  So we're getting a replacement crib, and we'll cross our fingers that it gets here in 10 weeks?  Oh boy, the excitement never ends.

Reilly randomly started saying "Oh, BOY!"  when she's excited, shocked, or upset.  So now I've picked it up to.  It cracks me up.

Don't think I forgot that Reilly was 2 weeks early.  Which means that I could be 10 weeks away from delivery, but I am more than like 8 weeks away.  Because second babies always come faster. 

This is no lie - as I was typing the last sentence, Reilly was eating grapes in her high chair, and I heard metal hit the floor.  A 3 inch screw from the high chair, was on the floor.  I have no idea where it came from.  If you'll excuse me, I have to disassemble and reassemble everything that Reilly has ever used in the next 8 weeks.

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