This was the very first moment Reagan stood at the water table. Her sister taught her to drink the grimy hose water. Awesome.
Reagan thought it was hilarious, though. :)
Reagan felt like such a big girl standing there, it was the cutest thing watching her discover all the toys. For instance, when she learned that the little balls hold water in them.
But of course, because her big sister showed her the cool thing to do, all she wanted to do was drink that water!
I couldn't even care that much, because look at this face.
Reilly loves when I put "soapies" in her pool and she gets to splash around and make all the suds! She then put the suds on her face and makes herself look like Santa.
What is it about water and soap and bubbles that is so magical to children? Whatever the reason, we will be splashing in it all summer!
Love the old lady leaning over the sink!!! LOL!!