He is giant. Like huge. The weirdest part is, he isn't chubby (which is what you might imagine for a 3 month old). I mean, he has the cheeks that I have come to realize are somewhat of a distinct family trait. (God love those cheeks!). But everywhere else, he isn't chubby. He has normal belly, legs, arms...no real rolls anywhere. But he is just BIG. Long, broad, everywhere. He is wearing size 12 months. AT 3 MONTHS OLD. And he has BEEN wearing 12 months for a few weeks now. He will occasionally squeeze into a 9 month outfit. He is on his way out of size 2 diapers, we are almost fully in size 3. I weighed him on our scale, and he is weighing in at 17 pounds.
On a related note, I will occasionally eat a salad. But most often I am eating bagels, Ben and Jerry's, avocados, cheese and everything else with the it highest caloric intake possible. Haha, I am exaggerating a bit (but not on the Ben & Jerry's), but I really am having to constantly be eating to keep up with the calories he takes from me all day long. Kids on a mission to be taller than me by 6th grade.
He is drooling constantly, putting toys in his mouth, grabbing and playing with rings and toys, and sucking and chewing on anything he can get his hands on. If he is like his sisters, teeth are not far away! Luckily, we have been pretty blessed in the teething category - the girls never really batted an eyelash when teeth came in. So I'm not nervous for that milestone. As long as he doesn't bite his milksource. ;)
He is a kicking MACHINE! He loves loves getting his diapers changed now, and kicks and giggles like crazy on the changing table. It's my favorite time, watching him kick around like a happy little boy.
He is also loving his seat even more, and grabbing for those rings. He is kicking up a storm and watching everything move.
I should have said this first, because this is the whole reason I even have energy to type (aside from espresso...YAY LATTES!), but our little guy sleeps all night!!!! Like, goes down at 7 pm without crying, and wakes up 11.5 hours later giggling and smiling. Little champ. I realize this sounds somewhat bragging but really, these are the facts. And also, this is my blog. This is where I brag. ;)
Declan Brett, I am now writing to future-you. I need you to know that you are a precious doll baby. You NE-VER cry unless you have a burp, are hungry, or need a change. Therefore, you never cry for longer than like 5 minutes at a time. You are such a blessing to Mommy and Daddy's days! You are a smiley little monster. You also put up with being petted, mauled and devoured by your sisters daily and giggle through the whole thing. I know that you are going to be the most easy-going laid back boy. RIGHT? I'm right, aren't I. You are smiling now because I am, and always have been, right about everything. (Hang on, while I am calling things - right now in our future-house, Reilly is currently practicing for some sort of stage performance, and Reagan is quietly reading or coloring by herself. RIGHT AGAIN AREN'T I?! No, I am not a witch, just a Mommy. Now go give me a hug.)
Okay, my favorite thing about 3 month old Declan Brett...all I have to do is look at him and smile, and his ENTIRE face lights up like I am his favorite person in the world. My boy. :)
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