Wow! You're ready to pop, huh?!
You ready to go yet?
Starting to get uncomfortable?
Getting sick of being pregnant yet?
These are some things I have been hearing lately, as I start my ninth month. I'm 36 weeks pregnant!! And yes, I'm feeling big. I may not look big, but the baby is big and for my body, it's a lot to carry around all the time. But no, I'm not done being pregnant, or sick of being pregnant, or at a point where I'm screaming "Get this baby out!" I have a different kind of view of pregnancy I think. And it correlates with my view of engagement. Allow me to explain.
I was engaged to Hubby for 22 months (I corrected anyone who said "2 years"). This was mostly due to the fact that I was 19, and still finishing college. He was finishing up school as well. And we still resided in different states. These things worked themselves out beautifully by the summer of 2008. Would we have gotten married sooner? Sure. We would have been married a year after we met, had it not been when we were 14. Did I dislike the length of our engagement? Not at all. And here's why. Being engaged is a short period of time in life. Even though ours was "long", 2 years is not long in the grand scheme. And this time is one of excitement. Anticipation. Planning. Elation. Every time you look down at that ring, you feel jitters and your heart jumps and you just stare and admire it when nobody is looking. Then you go on your photographers website and dream of your pictures, listen to your wedding song, and add some notes to the vows your writing. And dream of that I do and first kiss.

I didn't wish away this time. I savored it. Every time someone saw my ring, they wanted every detail, and I loved giving it. When else do you have an excuse to go on and on about the love of your life? And marriage is the most wonderful blessing that two people can be given, in my opinion. But that the anticipation of this blessing. And it's like the world is smiling with you the whole time.
I have seen pregnancy the same way. Many people are so excited to be pregnant, and then start complaining about discomfort and feeling huge and "get this baby out now". Now I know that some pregnancies are harder than others, and I'm positive that these comments are merited most times. I will probably say that last sentence to Hubby in about 3 weeks or so. But for today, I'm optimistic. They say that the love you have for a child is like no other feeling in this world. That it is the greatest blessing to be given a family, and it will change your life forever. I can't wait. But a short period of time in life. Right now, 9 months without wine seems like an eternity, but it is a short time in the grand scheme.
And this time is one of excitement. Anticipation. Planning. Elation. Every time you look down at that belly, you feel jitters and your heart jumps and you stare and admire it when no one is looking. Then you go into the nursery and fold some more onesies, and think about what your baby will look like, and put together a bouncer, and look at your ultrasound picture. And dream of that first breath and first cry.
As you may have read, there have been ups and downs throughout my pregnancy. But I wouldn't change a thing. I feel like Baby is almost ready to be here. And I know I'm going to miss this time. I'm smiling all the time because Baby is in there, kicking away. And it's like everywhere I go, the world is smiling with me.
You make my day with every post. Love you, mama
ReplyDeleteI was one of those "get him out" mama's after about the 7th month...up until that point I LOVED being prego. I was having so much false labor and some other issues but you're right it is such a short time in the grand scheme of things and it is worth every ache and pain you go through. I've just started to acutally miss being pregnant....not that we're going to go trying right now but it is an incrediable experience to grow a person inside you and the anticipation of all that you mentioned is one of the best parts of being pregnant! Enjoy, he or she will be here so soon!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Kate, you gave me a whole different view of my seemingly long engagement. I wanted to only be engaged a year, Jon wanted to wait longer... well, now the wedding is one year, one week, and two days away... and I'm going to savor every minute of the engaged part. Thank you!