As Hubby's first Fathers' Day, Reilly and I felt the need to let him know how much we love him and appreciate him.Thank you for protecting us, providing for us, loving us, changing poopy diapers, midnight feedings, 2am/3am/4am feedings, consoling, rocking, burping. Thank you for proudly carrying your girl around, strolling through town, worrying about her sun exposure, worrying about the brand of diaper cream we use, knowing all about bottles and breastfeeding, researching baby CPR. Thank you for understanding how I feel in the middle of the night when feedings are every hour, and for saying "You are such a good mama" when I come back to bed every time. Thank you for being the Daddy to Reilly, that my Dad is to me.
So first, the banana and I surprised Daddy with breakfast in bed! I set her up on her Boppy, with her gifts for her favorite man in the world.

Then I woke him up so this little face is what he saw first thing.
Then he started opening presents - we made post-it note clues to each gift...
We made him a CD with songs to remind him of his babygirl.

And an ornament with her footprint! Yes, I painted her foot. I mean really, are you that surprised?
[These are ornaments I paint, on slices of tree branch. I love rustic.]

A shirt with his favorite Red Sox...and his favorite title :)
And the grand finale, 2 tickets to see the Red Sox at Fenway!! He's never been there, and I decided to make his dream come true. He was very shocked. I think Father's Day will be Reilly and my new favorite holiday. It's so much fun to spoil him!

Reilly was pooped by the end of all the gift shenanigans.

Oops, this is us spoiling Reilly, not Daddy! I put her on a pillow for easy transport around the house. She thought she was still in the bed. I call her the princess and the pea.
We also made Daddy some delish
Baked French Toast. Okay, this was like 75% for Daddy, 25% for me. What? I have to keep my calories up for breast feeding! It's all for the baby, in the end.
I'd say we had a wonderful celebration of our favorite man. He call us his angels. But you, my Husband, are our hero.
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