For now, a little peek at our day with our best guy...
We relaxed together, and Daddy got a well deserved nap!
Don't worry, I took baby from him while he slept...we have sleep walking issues. And by we, I mean Hubby.
He amazes me more every single day.
He loves his girls so much.
And Hubby, we love you right back.
Love & Daddies,
Dirt Road Mama
So, yesterday at church I was looking @ Brett (he eventually had to ask "what" b/c I think I was staring @ him...I have issues w/ staring & not realizing I'm doing's a family thing I think b/c my sisters do it too)...anyway, I was looking at him and thinking about him being a dad b/c he was wearing his new #1 dad shirt. I was wondering what your post was going to be today and what cute pics you would be posting. Very cute pics...Reilly looks like she's grown so much in the last month :)
ReplyDeleteL, Mary