8:30 pm. I read about Thrush and panic. [a yeast infection that is on the breast, and gets passed to the baby's mouth, and will become painful for baby while eating].
8:31 pm. I wonder why I may have gotten thrush even though I take a daily pill to prevent it, and apply a cream every time I nurse to protect the skin.
8:32 pm. I ask Hubby to pray we don't have thrush.
8:33 pm. I call my mom and discuss the situation. She says to call my lactation consultant, who also happens to be her best friend. I protest and say it's too late. She says it is only late in my world, and in the regular world, it is in fact not late at all.
8:35 pm. I call lactation consultant. She is not home. I still don't know/really think that I have thrush.9:45 pm. I go to bed after feeding Baby. Baby goes to bed. Hubby goes to bed.
1:00 am. Hubby wakes with Baby and gives her a bottle.
3:43 am. I wake up with Baby. Feed her on one side. Go to change diaper.
4:15 am. She is an angel as usually as I change her diaper. No crying, no fussing, just laying awake watching me.
4:16:30 am. I scream for Hubby, at a loss of what else to do. He doesn't hear me due to the air conditioner. Baby lays in bliss on table.
4:17 am. I grab diaper-less baby, run into my bedroom, tap Hubby awake, and say "Come, here I need help!" and run away. I still have diaper cream on my finger.
4:18 am. Hubby runs in and starts cursing the poop. And muttering about how expensive the blinds were. I am trying very hard not to laugh, as I sit on the bed with a diaperless baby.
4:20 am. Hubby hands me a diaper and clean onesie. I lay Baby on bed. He gets wet paper towels and tries to clean things up.
4:22 am. Baby is laying on the bed as I change her, staring at her Daddy cleaning in frustration. She is mesmerized by the unlikely commotion in her room.
4:23 am. I tell Husband that Reilly is wondering what he is doing. Hubby turns around and starts cracking up. Then tells Reilly that she's grounded.
4:25 am. I decide that bleach is needed to clean the blinds. Hubby begins the cleansing process. I remove Baby from the room.
4:30 am. I realize that Baby can't sleep in bleach infused room, so I prepare a place for her to sleep in our room. I finish nursing her.
4:35 am. Hubby opens windows, turns on fans, and closes baby's door. Blinds are stainless!
4:45 am. I finish feeding and burping. Baby and Daddy lay down. Mama goes to pump since I was still too full.
4:56 am. I lay down to go to sleep. Baby is cooing and grunting instead of sleeping. Birds start to chirp. Baby grunts to the next hour. Mama and Daddy vaguely drift in and out of sleep.
7:25 am. I call my doctor. I call her doctor. Knowing they will be closed. I don't know why I called anyway.
8:00 am. I prepare myself for a day of doctor-going. Mentally. I am still nursing and therefore can't get ready at all.
8:29 am. I call pediatrician and they CALL IN A PRESCRIPTION. Thank you God, and random nurse on the phone who may have heard my panic.
There you have it ladies and gentleman. But probably just ladies. Except for 4 gentleman. (Hi Dad! Hi Matthew! Hi Eric! Hi Hubby!)
Updates on the thrush will follow. Baby is not yet in pain, thank God. Mom says laying in the sun with my breasts exposed helps with thrush. Don't judge me.
Love & Absolutely No Dull Moments,
DR Mama
Oh Kate, you crack me up. I'm so sorry you're dealing with thrush... but so glad they just called in a prescription! That's wonderful!! I hope it clears everything up before baby even notices!!
ReplyDeleteI will not judge you for sunning topless... :)