Well, not all nightclubs, just one. The one at the aforementioned
resort where Reilly spent her first Fourth. The same place where I spent my best childhood memories, where Mama met Daddy, where Daddy proposed, where Reilly was conceived...HA just kidding. But anyway, this place is special to us. And Reilly made her debut at her very first Staff Show!

The Staff Show is where Mama used to sit in the front row and stare dreamily at her future hubby as he danced with his friends on stage. I was 14, dreamily staring was where it's at. And then he would wink or something. And I would melt. And now our offspring sat in that very place. It was all very surreal.

Reilly wore a very cute little leopard print outfit! We were ready to go.

Hi babycakes!

Daddy and his pretty little girl.
Then Monday night, we went to see our best friends in a show they've been practicing for. These are our friends from college in Rhode Island, who now live close to us and work at the same resort! They are so talented and wonderful.

That's Cara. She is a ridiculous singer. Amazing. And doesn't she look like she belongs in the 80's here?? She was such a great 80's girl!

Go Brandon! He's pretty good at pumping people up. It's what he does best.

Reilly says, "Great job Cioci Cara! Please do not take my sleeping as a reflection of the captivating performance that I just experienced - it's passed my bedtime!"

"I will just snuggle here with Auntie Vanessa. And grab onto her dress for dear life."

Hi Baby! Wasn't that a great show?
In other news, I met a fan of my blog at the show! Hi fan of my blog! I had so much fun meeting you!
Love & Nighttime fun,
Dirt Road Mama
I remember that proposal when Brett took the mic from JK all nervous haha...It was a great moment...Hopefully I'll be able to make it for the best week of the summer and see Reilly!