sorts each season. I guess it started with making my own version of those paper towel ghosts we used to make as kids. You know the ones? Where you crumple a piece of newspaper, drape a paper towel over it, tie it off with a rubber band, and draw a face with marker?
I made similar ones, except using fabric and ribbon. More homey, less kindergarten.
Then Halloween ended, and I felt sad to take down my new decoration! And thus began the garland saga. It's a saga, because Hubby sometimes pretends that he doesn't like it. Because he has to "duck" to walk underneath it. But he has recently come around to appreciate the tradition. I think he came around when baby was born, and my mama hung teeny socks and shoes from it. That made him smile.
So here's what I made for autumn this year, after the ghosts come down.
I took some card stock, and painted each one 4 different fall-y colors. The I let them dry, and painted the other sides as well.
I love the colors! So autumn, but neutral.
Love & Painting,
Dirt Road Mama
I love these!! And I stole your idea!! We have leaves hanging up in between the dining room and kitchen. Then I put up snow flakes after Thanksgiving and Easter Eggs around Easter!