Let me start here. We went to Long Island to visit the family, which is always a fun little road trip. Hubby and I love road tripping. We call anything over 2 hours a road trip, in case you were wondering. So Thursday and Friday was lots of planning and packing for me. Packing clothes/shoes/socks/blankets/burp clothes/42 bibs/onesies/PJs/hats/jackets for Reilly. And bottles and 5 containers and frozen food. And a cooler full of breastmilk. And her monitor, toys, stuffed animals, binkies, spoons, and my breast pump. And her vitamins and just-in-case medicines. And her bouncy seat. Oh, and I had to pack myself. Plan, plan, plan.
Fast forward to the weekend! Hubby and I wanted to take a day trip for ourselves out east to the wineries. It's such beautiful farmland on eastern Long Island, and I'm a huge fan of vacationing in your own backyard. So off we went. The world was our oyster. Well, the island was at least. I packed my breast pump, and off we went!
[FYI: As an exclusively breast feeding mama, it is essential that I take my breast pump everywhere I go without the baby. I will continue to produce milk at the exact rate that the baby usually drinks it. Therefore, when someone else is giving her a bottle, I should be pumping in order to keep up the milk production. Also, for my own comfort, as it becomes painful and can possibly cause an infection if I go to long without either feeding or pumping.]
So our first stop was at a pretty amazing farm and market that we saw. It was pretty much my heaven.
Then we continues on to Love Lane, which is where we had breakfast. Love Lane is actually the name of the street, as well as the restaurant, and has a plethora of adorable little shops. My parents had found this little street a while back and told us we would love it. They were right.
After breakfast, we went to this cheese shop to get some goodies to have at our winery visits.
It's true. It started at Providence Place Mall where we went to college, where Godiva was right next to TCBY. I told Hubby (then boyfriend), that I wanted to live there. Then we went to San Antonio, and Ben and Jerry's was right next to the Life is Good store. And so on.
So after our first lovely wine tasting, we bought a bottle of this wine, because Hubby is a mathematician. We planned on going to a few more wineries, and passed a few adorable shops we wanted to stop in. We also saw a historical and museum district that we wanted to check out, I love learning about Long Island history! We were planning to eat our cheese and olives at our next winery, which had a beautiful outdoor space.
And then came our little glitch. Which was actually a big glitch. I went out to pump in the car. I put on my shawl, and got my pump all hooked up to the battery pack. Then I went to take out the bottles to pump into.
The bottles.
The bottles are sitting next to the sink drying from when I pumped and washed them this morning.
I couldn't pump. I couldn't pump. It was 1 pm. I hadn't fed baby since the morning. Theoretically, I should have already pumped once, but the morning was so fun and carefree that I put it off a bit. I was FULL of milk. To the point that it was painful. And we were 1 1/2 hours from home. Breast feeders are cringing right now.
We had to go home. I had no choice. There was nowhere to buy the pump attachments where we were. And I needed to get the milk out. So, without getting specific, let just say I had to squeeze the milk out the whole way home so I did not get an infection. Let me tell you, it's not easy. A mammogram will be a cinch for me when the time comes. I manually pumped 2 1/2 ounces of milk, until my arms were burning I was pumping so hard. Ah, motherhood!
(FYI: This is when I whined. And cursed. And then I said, "Well..we had a really fun, romantic morning!" Sigh.)
So we got home, I pumped, and fed baby. And then we cut up our cheese, the my mama did this.
And, our tastings were MUCH more generous as well!
Thank you, Mama! We love you.
And it goes to show you, no matter how much you pack and plan and pack and plan, you can never plan everything. God decides what you do each day, but we can decide what we do with it. Go with His flow. Know that he made it happen for some reason for another. Sure we had a beautiful day planned, but the one we had was just as beautiful. And you can whine about it. I certainly did on the ride home.
But it's much funner to wine about it. :)
Dirt Road Mama
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