I never take it for granted, everything He gives. When I think He can't bless anymore...of course, He does. It amazes me. I thank You God, I thank You every day. I feel so grateful, I could burst. That's how I felt yesterday. That's how I feel most days.
But the traditions of my family filled my table, and my house. My mama's recipes, that happy parade that I seem to love more every year, the Christmas music. We had a beautiful day surrounded my Hubby's family and friends, and it was a blessed day. There was a lot of love in our house.
And I looked at baby's face, as she filled everyone with smiles. And I realized that no matter where we are celebrating the holiday, everyone is healthy and happy and thankful for one another. And as long as the family's traditions are shared, no matter where, the love is always there.
And then we had a fire.
Sorry, I had to break up the sentiment. But it's true, there was a fire. I did it. After about 17 dishes prepared to perfection, the sweet potatoes caught fire while we were broiling the marshmallows. And I mean FLAMES. Huge. Had to be brought outside, and still didn't go out. Both smoke alarms when off. My oven mitts caught fire. And Hubby stayed calm and put it out. And I grabbed my fire extinguisher, which I have in the kitchen, and realized how useless it is if I don't know how to use it. Don't worry Mama, Hubby went over it after our guests left.
And we actually still ate the sweet potatoes. They were pretty amazing.
And now I am off to:
Make babyfood. Go cut down our Christmas tree. Decorate the house for Christmas. Watch Elf with babygirl. Make a leftover turkey soup with my beautiful turkey bones.
Yes, all today.
Maybe not the soup. The soup may wait till tomorrow.
Did I just call turkey bones, beautiful?
Well it's true. It's a beautiful thing, this season that celebrates Jesus. Every darn thing about it.
Love & God's Grace,
Dirt Road Mama
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