Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy 30th!

Recently, my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary.  In a few weeks, Hubby and I will be celebrating our 5th.  The scary part is, I know that my parents remember their wedding like it was yesterday, like I do.  They feel like they really just moved into their first apartment last year, like I do.  They KNOW that time has passed, but could it really be that much?  And then you look around the dinner table, and see the lives that you created.  The people that are there only because you got married and committed to each other.  The noise and the chatter and the laughter, that wasn't as loud 5 years ago.  Or 30.  Hubby and I see 2 lives, with one growing as we speak.  My parents look around the table, and see 8 lives. Children who grew and found partners, and had their own children.  Eight people that wouldn't be there if it wasn't for them.  

I can't help but think...in 25 short years, who will the other 5 people be around my table?  

I'm in awe, Mom and Dad, of who you are as a couple and of the family you have created.

To celebrate, we all went out to a super special dinner.  Reilly was gifted with a new set of lip glosses from Uncle Matt's girlfriend, and was she ever obsessed.

Then she thought Daddy needed some.  Reagan is not so sure.  Haha. That's a good man right there.
 Reagan the Beauty waited patiently for our table.

 Hello my happy girl!  Funny fact:  I was making kissy faces so she would look at me, and so naturally, she leaned in cause she thought I wanted a kiss. ;)

 Girlfriend munched on some crackers while we waited too. :)  Wait a minute...I'm getting a flashback!
Reilly's very first Ritz cracker...the little sissy's look like twins!

Little cracker eating chubby pinchable cheeky girls!

 If there's one thing Reilly loves, it's going to a restaurant.  Mimi was saying that Reilly has been to more restaurants in her first 3 years than she was at in her first 15! Haha.  She is a very good girl when we are out to eat.  (However she did scream "POOPY POOPY POOPY!" as Mimi ran holding her through the restaurant to the bathroom, leaving a wake of patrons in hysterical laughter behind them!)

The dinner was delish, the kind that makes me wish I felt like having (or was allowed to have) a nice glass of red wine and a cappuccino!  (Both of which make me feel kind of ill to look at lately - blessing!)

After dinner, THREE of these monsterous "candles" came to the table atop the most delicious dessert plates I've ever tasted.  Most notably, the homemade cinnamon sugar doughnuts topped with raspberry and icing. WHAT. So much better than wine. 

 (Handsome brother clearing the table for the wildfire they brought to the table.)
Reilly was in awe!

OH, yum.


 They love their girls!

Before we left for dinner, we managed to get some family shots while we were all dressed and pretty!  Look how handsome Daddy and his girls...I'm a lucky girl.

Here's the best pic, and the worst...just for your enjoyment. :)

 Pretty.  Laughter. Happiness.

 Hair Fixage. Nose Pickage. Baby Squirming. 
Daddy still looks handsome. He's a lucky guy too, with all these ladies on his hands. ;)

Here is the whole family, including Papa Mommy!  Such a fun night.

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