Sunday, March 24, 2013


This is how Reilly says "Spring".  We are working on our "sp" blends, and reciting poems like "In the Spring we sweep our spooky cobwebs".  Against my will, she learned how to carry this knowledge over to say "sa-poon" as well.  I loved "foon".  I was completely okay with her saying foon until at least 4 years old.  Sigh.  Sa-poon it is.

But feshial?  I'm holding on to that one.  When she starts saying "sa-pecial", I cry.  Real tears people.

Anywho, today we are talking to Spring.  Wondering where it is.  We miss you!  We love you!  Come visit us here in the mountains!  We do not like bundling.  We do not like shivering.  We do not like these blankets that winter keeps covering us with!  Just letting you know, you are welcome here.

 However, if winter is sticking around against EVERYONE'S wishes, (I mean really, Winter, no one wants you here anymore. Go to the North Pole with Santa until preferably January) I am at least grateful for the memories we have made.  We have been having some fun in the March-storms, unwelcome as they are, because we have chillens and they make everything fun.  We made hot chocolate and watched Christmas movies and enjoyed are day off with Daddy.  :)

(Hi house! Love you! You look pretty in the snow.)

 Precious snow bunnies.

I will never forget these two making their snow man.  It was hilarious. I mean, first of all, look at my husband's outfit.  This is what you wear apparently when it snows in the spring?  Shorts and workboots and no jacket.  And a Boston hat.  Always a Boston hat.  Reagan and I were talking to them through the window.  Reilly LOVED that guy.  She named him Frosty, and started at him through the window saying, "Please don't melt Frosty." 
 But then we told her that when Frosty melts, he really just goes to the North Pole to live with his friends, Santa and Elfie, our Elf on the Shelf.

 To which she replied, "And Karen?"

Karen, we found out, is the little girl in Frosty the Snowman.  The movie we watched ONCE in December.  And, she reminded us, Karen wears a pretty headband. Kid freaks me out daily.

In conclusion, Dear Winter:

We will have fun, despite how awful you are.  But seriously, get out.  Mama needs to go to the park.

Love, Us

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